Unbrick a OnePlus Nord N200
- Download and extract Qualcomm drivers.
- Download and extract firmware and tools.
- Power off phone.
- Hold volume up and volume down buttons while connecting the phone to the computer over USB. This will place it into emergency download (EDL) mode.
- Alternatively, you can run
adb reboot edl
- Open Device Manager. There should be a device labeled "QHUSB_BULK". Right-click and select "Update driver".
- Select "Browse my computer for drivers" and select the folder of the Qualcomm Drivers.
- The device should now be listed as "QDLOADER 9008".
- Open "MsmDownloadTool V4.0.exe" in the firmware tools folder.
- For "User type", select "Others" and click "Next".
- Click "Start".
- It should take a few minutes to complete. Reboot when done.